Friday, February 24, 2006

DEREK 360: WACKY Streets

Today I am not going to talk about Scott Stapp (or his sex tape). I'm going to stifle my ire for that buffoon just long enough to have some harmless fun discussing an online poll just completed over at The Car The poll was to determine the WACKIEST street names in the country. The results were as follows (with my inane comments):

10. Tater Peeler Road
(Lebanon, TX)
Is this one WACKY? I don't get it.
09. The intersection of Count and Basie
(Richmond, VA)
This one is really hip for the jazz crowd. Regular readers David K. and Fred J. are bound to appreciate this one.
08. Shades of Death Road
(Warren County, NJ)
My personal favorite.
07. Unexpected Road
(Buena, NJ)
This one is lame. It's not wacky. It's just lame.
06. Bucket of Blood Street
(Holbrook, AZ)
This is a well known street in the circles of the occult (which I frequent). It's well known for being the most hardcore street in the country. People have been known to wander aimlessly down B.o.B. St. and never return. It's like the Bermuda Triangle of Arizona. One time I heard about this one dude who was walking his dog on "Bile Is A Good Aftershave Drive" (which is an adjoining street). His dog skipped away and ran over into B.o.B. St. The dude just waited outside the street for a few minutes before a dog-sized bat thing came flying out of the fog that was, of course, descended all throughout B.o.B. St. The Dogbat was on fire and reeked of sulfur and dead.
05. The intersection of Clinton and Fidelity
(Houston, TX)
Trite political humor.
04. The intersection of Lonesome and Hardup
(Albany, GA)
I have nothing to say here.
03. Farfrompoopen Road
This one on the list had a note with it that, "this is the only road up to Constipation Ridge". That is fucking disgusting. Do these people live in a little township called Shit Town? That name is most definitely WACKY.
02. Divorce Court
(Heather Heights, PA)
This one is so funny.
01. Pyscho Path
(Traverse City, MI)
The simplicity here is what crowned this one the top banana here in the WACKY street name poll.

That's all I've got. I'm spent. Too much WACKY. Uhhhhhh.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bucket of Blood Street was obviously inspired by your Box of Blood-influenced script and love of all things macabre.