Monday, April 03, 2006

Liz Zuerker Presents: "Grass Fire Anatomy"

At the JUhS we appreciate the guest columnist. I actually think this may be our FIRST guest columnist...I'm too lazy to read back through the archives. So without further adieu we proudly present: LIZ ZUERKER!!! (Her words will appear in quotes and special colored text and font style)

"Following another delightful episode of Grey's Anatomy. One in which im please to point out that "Robin" from Batman & Robin fame had a guest staring roll. I just didnt think my sunday night could be topped... UNTIL the 10'o'clock news.

Their live opening broadcast was about a grassfire in the Colony. Just a few seconds into the guy's opening monologue an airhorn is heard and then NAKED OLD MAN BUTT! Myself and my friend Lindsaytunes used my TIVO rewind button three times to insure that we had not imagined it, but each time there it was in all its gross glory! That only left us with the question as to how the news guy managed to keep a straight face at the airhorn blowing streaker. I am also please to announce that on, this is a top story right next to some big car crash.

Ladies and Gentleman This is Dallas!"

im very excited about this
i have a feeling mike will be pissed
because of the greys anat reference
but i simply dont care

(That last part was her "off the record" remarks about one of my fellow JUhS Founding Fathers. I just wanted to include those to show how gritty and uncompromising Liz is...and to throw a rock in the machine)

Overall: Great work by one of our favorite readers. Keep up the good work, Liz!

-The Men of JUhS


Anonymous said...

I just checked the WFFA website to insure that readers can still see the streaker article/video of the streaker. The have now sadly added a blue square to the OLD MAN BUTT. You still get the idea, and you can still hear the airhorn, just imagine some saggy buttcheeks and you have the whole picture. ENJOY!! Thanks andy for getting me guest post!

Anonymous said...

The only thing I'm pissed about is that none of us can proof-read worth a damn.

Anonymous said...

I am please to have just reading that guest column

Anonymous said...

you guys need an editor. seriously. seriously.
just i'd throw that out there.

Anonymous said...

We need a lot of things. An editor isn't that high on the list.

Good work Liz.