Monday, October 23, 2006

DEREK 360: Let's take a trip!

Hello friends!

Come along with me to a magical place. A place where luxury is an understatement. A place where ostentatious is the norm and everything reeks of cleanliness and money. A place where there are a billion rainbows and each has a pot of gold that is filled with gold. A place that reeks of gold. A place that is fucking incredible. And awesome. A place where black limos patrol the streets just begging to take opulent citzens from gala to gala.


All the luxury 12 million in stolen government money can buy!!
(Note the sweet "Snipes Land" marquee Wesley had installed. It is 3 miles in length. The "Land" part has been slowly falling down Mt. Blade II for the past few months due to massive tectonic activity around Jungle Fever Cove.)

Slowly Reloading,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Derek, what a great shot of To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar Strait. I hear that's really nice this time of year.