Monday, October 09, 2006

Let's watch movies: The Departed

Hey everyone!

Let's watch some movies.

Today I am going to talk about The Departed. Actually, that is not entirely accurate. I am going to gush about how awesome The Departed was. I would like to believe that I am a movie "buff" (whatever the hell that term means). I go to the movies on a semi-regular basis and my knowledge of movie crap is marginally impressive. Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to believe me when I announce that The Departed is the best movie of 2006 (thus far).

Martin Scorsese has crafted another movie in the same mold as his previous best. Goodfellas, Taxi Driver and even Casino share the same style. Gritty, layered, powerful cinema that just feels cool in every way. The Departed brings Marty back to this same style after his good and bad historical dalliances of the past half decade. He's back on the streets and it's fucking awesome.

The Departed follows the trials and tribulations of two cops in Boston. One is a high ranking officer (Matt Damon) who is a rat for a crime lord (Jack Nicholson). The other is an undercover cop (Leonardo DiCaprio) who is in with said crime lord ratting to the cops. The movie blazes at a quick pace as the two rats jockey for position in an attempt to benefit their respective sides. People get shot, punched, beaten up with coat racks, and thrown off of buildings. Everyone swears. A lot. Nicholson even breaks out a dildo in a porno movie theatre at one point. Oh, and Mark Wahlberg is in there too stealing every scene he's in with his "holy shit this guys is SUCH an asshole" attitude. Alec Baldwin is also in top form.

I warned you above. Forgive my gushing.

This was a movie that plastered a big stupid smile on my face and left it there for like 150 minutes. Everytime someone would get punched or say something menacing this little jar labeled the "jar of cool" would just get more and more full in my mind, until by the end of the movie I was walking to my car feeling really awesome. I think the jar overfilled and made me believe that the movie theatre parking lot was quite a bit more awesome then it actually was. Point is, the movie is really, really good. And cool. And awesome. Gushing. Pros and Cons.

+There were like 4 or 5 different times in this thing when one cop punched another cop in the face in the middle of the police station. Realistic? Doubtful. Awesome? Oh yeah.
+Wahlberg really tore it up.
+All the performances were top notch.
+The whole movie was kind of a pro.

-The dude next to me eating ice during the movie. Not cool fat man.

I know this wasn't funny and I don't care. Go see The Departed.

I give this film a 9.12332 out of 10


Anonymous said...

I also had an opportunity to see The Departed over the weekend. For some reason they decided to release it simultaneously in the US and Asia, which left me feeling giddy all last week. Derek covered it perfectly; the movie was amazing. I loved it. My jar of cool broke, it was so full. Two things:
1) The scene with the Chinese gansters ... Spot On. That's how Chinese dudes get when they're trying to buy something! They start to scream and end up pulling out uzis. I'm an expert in this area, trust me. Scorcese is a genius.
2) Umm, I don't know if this was HK government censorship or what, but the black dildo scene was awfully choppy. As in, shot of Costello's face, really quick shot of the dildo, quick cut to Matt Damon's uncomfortable mug. This is in the span of two seconds. Is that how it played out in America? Seemed a little out of place to me. Funny as hell though. Just thought you'd like to know...

Anonymous said...

The HK version didn't include the scene were Jack rams a dude in a triceratops costume and after they're finished they share a fat blunt?

p.s. - i'm realy deep undercover....undercovering some real criminal and sinister thing-thingz. That's why I haven't contributed.