Monday, August 07, 2006

!QUIK HITZ! (Post #100)

Let's learn stuff!

Let's do it QUIK!

1. ONE. UNO.

First of all, go here and watch this little movie. Then sit back and ask yourself if it's possible to "time track travel speed" like in that movie Back to the Future. I usually try to avoid anything having to do with Britney Spears but this was just too ridiculous for me to pass up. Enjoy.

2. TWO. DOS.

I want to present this movie (which was brought to my attention by the venerable Nels St. Claire). I couldn't find a good, unedited copy of it on Youtube so I want to thank Paul Huebl and his bad ass blog. Sweet headshot Paul.

The dude in this movie (I want to call him Reggie D.) makes me very happy. Reggie D. and Britney should hook up and manage a street corner in the darkest corner of Eastern Europe with equal parts violent menace and time traveling prowess.


We are still in the midst of the first annual National Dig in the Dirt Week and, as you all have seen, the members of the Johnny have been discovering some interesting things. I uncovered Rasputin's bones (which sing to me at's fucked up), Michael uncovered Mel Gibson and Andrew found two of the stars from the Karate Kid. Wait a second here...Mel Gibson was buried in a field in L.A.? Hey, if it's on the Johnny, it must be true...or something.

The point is, keep on digging and maybe you can uncover something equally epic.

This is the 100th post on the Johnny Utah Symposium. It's very exciting. Thank you to the readers for reading this drivel day after day. I hope the next 100 posts are even awesomer.

Uh huh.


Anonymous said...

What's the deal with Britney's arms? That sharp flick thing is scary like something out of a Grudge movie or... Andy's toilet.

Anonymous said...

I love you all. I want to have your babies 100 times over.