Monday, January 22, 2007

"Real" Blogs Rip Us Off.

Uh... Let's hearken back to March 2006. You may or may not remember a piece I penned entitled Brain or No Brain. It was more or less a short rant describing why Deal or No Deal sucks a lot of ass. A worthless show, through and through. I haven't seen it in a while, but I'm sure it's still just as bad. Please correct me if it unexpectedly became both enlightening and entertaining.

Now, let me direct your attention towards this post (it's from a blog called Defective Yeti, which apparently people read) Note the striking resemblance.

Sorry dude, but this is old news. Seriously, it took you almost a year after this revelation was posted on the JUhS? Let's keep it fresh, blog writers of the world. I will give him props, however, for suggesting an alternative (as opposed to fruitless complaining, as I am known to do now and again). Double points for the alternative incorporating blunt trauma to the nads.

-Andrew (JUhS)

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